SuperMarioGlitchy4 Lost Episode

I am a big fan of SuperMarioGlitchy4's work but not anymore...
It was a normal morning, I was watching some Super Mario 64 bloopers, which got me in the mood for some SuperMarioGlitchy4. I went to his channel and found a new video "SM64 bloopers: SMG4's love of blood"
I watched it and a hyper-realistic skeleton of SMG4 popped up on my computer screen. I shat bricks and continued to watch. Mario was being an idiot and eating pasta just like a normaly does. SMG4 came and murdered him. It was so realistic and scary that I crapped my pants. SMG4 looked at me and said "SMG4 here and Im going to fuck you up, bitch!" I screamed and I closed the PC and now I never watched another SMG4 video ever again.....
Until, his new video came out than I watched it and I liked SMG4 again! :D
The End